Often the physical body is thought of when we talk about massage.
Treatments are also very beneficial for the emotional body. The body stores emotions & tension throughout, Equine Massage Therapy can help to release these stored emotions allowing the horse to process & 'release'. I have recently been treating a horse who lost his long term companion. His treatments have allowed his body into deep relaxation (activation of the parasympathetic nervous system). This allows the body to heal and nourishes him emotionally. As always, his treatments have been guided entirely by his choice. Choosing for him to be loose for his treatment allows him to present the area of the body he would like treating as well as moving away should he choose. He enjoyed light massage across his intercostals, a muscle often linked to breathing. Tension through the body can cause shallow breaths and tension throughout the core. He also enjoyed light touch across his Pectoral muscles / his sternum. You could link this to the Heart Charkra. Sometimes these treatments can bring up emotions for the humans too, which is absolutely normal. We are deeply connected to our horses and always share and reflect our emotion (energy in motion).
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Elesebeth Westof Althea Equine Massage & Therapy. ArchivesCategories |